CPF certification training in PCM Process Communication

{Logo: Processus Communication Model] Depuis le 22 novembre 2019, vous disposez d’une application mobile pour vous permettre d’accéder à votre compte CPF. Elle vous permet d’acheter votre formation librement et sans intermédiaire.


  • Get to know yourself better
  • Know each other
  • Develop individualized communication and approach to professional and personal relationships that optimize everyone’s motivation and the quality of working relationships

The 2×2 day residential or remote program

Why get certified?

  • Professionalize your communication, develop a benevolent approach towards yourself and your interlocutors, by exploring the Process Com model in depth
  • Go from knowledge to competence and have a recognized certification in the transversal field of interpersonal communication
  • Enhance your training process and demonstrate your willingness to pay attention to your relationship with others
  • Develop your employability

Contact Us

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    What can we do for you?