It is the triangulation between auto (moi), alter (others) and éco (the environment) that gave birth to Alto‘e.
It is above all a conviction: some people wake up at war with themselves, quickly with others and consequently with the environment. It is in the intimate connection to oneself that one can positively connect with others and connect spiritually to the universe… It also proceeds from a triple regulation:
Alto’e intègre aussi les trois directions des services que nous proposons. La particule ‘e’ signifie aussi en japonais le mouvement vers une destination. Le comportement conscient est une mise à distance de l’Humain face au monde, aux autres et à lui-même, seul gage d’efficacité et d’efficience.
The Organization (éco)
Results from the ligation of the e and the t. It is therefore a conjunction of coordination which links and an aesthetic expression through this spelling. It also symbolizes the reconciliation of paradoxes often perceived as so much truth which oppose instead of connecting. She invites us to leave the tyranny of ‘or-or’ for the genius of ‘and-and’ or ‘by-by’ (one by the other and vice versa).
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